Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens February 3. If you are seeking preschool for the rest of the current school year, please call us at 763-792-6120 or email
Class registration for the 23-24 school year will open May 15, with the placement lottery taking place June 1. The brochure can be viewed on our webpage.
Before and after school care for students enrolled in Centennial Preschool
It may be cold outside, but it's STEAM-y in here! Join Centennial Early Childhood for a variety of winter-themed Science/Technology/Engineering/Arts/Math activities. What does STEAM look like for young children? How about a winter landscape of cotton balls and playdough? How about building structures with marshmallows & toothpicks? How about making a winter animal mask? Move from station to station for a winter adventure with your child!
For children ages 2-8 with an adult caregiver
$5 per child
Please register each child. We appreciate advance registration in order to prepare materials.